ZOOM: Harry Moseley

Harry Moseley has worked for some of the most respected financial services and consulting companies in the world. He was the CIO (Chief Information Officer) of KPMG and Blackstone before joining Zoom as their first CIO in 2017. Zoom is a video conferencing platform with a mission to make video communications frictionless. Zoom is a unique company amongst its Silicon Valley counterparts, with a focus on both profit and growth – they have been a success story among the many dreadful IPOs of 2019. 

We also hear from two Irish Startups. 

Lucinda Kelly, CEO of Popertee is bringing consumer targetting to retail by helping brands and marketers find their ideal physical location to reach their audience through their location intelligence platform. 

Paul Birkett, Founder of Automation Finance, has an incredibly interesting story of how he went from an 18-year career at PepsiCo to founding an investment fund in distressed residential mortgages. 

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