The Brogue Means Business: We Launched A Podcast!

digital-irish-podcast-logoIrish people at home and abroad are doing huge things in the tech and business world — but how do you give the 70+ million-strong diaspora a glimpse at some of these achievements?

The Digital Irish Podcast will shine a spotlight on Irish innovators and Irish-led innovation, sharing the success stories of entrepreneurs and corporate leaders that are making an impact on the global market. With a diaspora of more than 70 million, and a country with one of the highest numbers of native-born people living overseas, Irish influences can be found in every industry. The Digital Irish Podcast takes a globalized view to feature the Irish business community’s essential contributions to the worldwide market.

Our podcast is split between tales of fortune and journeys on the path of business. Each episode will feature one long-form interview with a successful and established entrepreneur, corporate innovator or global leader, as well as two short-form interviews with Irish-founded startups. The long-form interviews are candid conversations about the guest’s life and career, with stories of struggle and triumph on their journey to success.

Our short-form interviews talk us through the pains and triumphs when starting a new venture. Startups will have an opportunity to share an ask with the Community – just like at our live events. The ask is typically related to recruiting talent, raising funds, or introductions to target customers. The goal is to strengthen this community through the podcast so that Irish people around the world can support each other to achieve success.

The Digital Irish Podcast is hosted by Patrick McAndrew and will be launching on Monday, November 4th 2019, on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts.

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