The Supply & Demand of Attention Masterclass

You’ve got notifications; emails to read, text messages to respond to, updates from your social media profiles, another day of breaking news headlines to skim through, and maybe some newsletters to read through if you can maintain the focus to get through a long-form email. This all happens before you’ve got out of bed and had a chance to go through the second cycle of information overload when you open your laptop. 

Today we live in an attention economy, where businesses treat our attention as a scarce commodity that they are competing for. We are often unaware of the value of our attention. It is undoubtedly our most valuable mental resource. It is the fuel source that feeds our focus, our concentration, the ability to manage ourselves, and our willpower, among many other critical mental skills. 

Yet the majority of people have consumed their daily supply of attention before they even arrive at their most important tasks of the day, which is why staying focused becomes such a challenge. There is plenty of discussion about time management for productivity but the value of your time is only determined by what you do with it. And your actions are determined by your attention. 

In our next masterclass series on Friday, May 29th, from 10:00am to 11:00am ET (NYC) and 3:00pm to 4:00pm GMT (Dublin/London), Patrick McAndrew, CEO at The Bowery Common, will discuss the biggest consumers of our attention and what you can do to manage your attention and focus throughout your day.

RSVP below and we’ll send you the Zoom meeting details via email before the event starts. You can also join our Discord Channel in advance.


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