ZOOM: Harry Moseley
Harry Moseley has worked for some of the most respected financial services and consulting companies in the world. In our second episode, hear how Harry helped build ZOOM in his role as CIO.
The Digital Irish Podcast tells a global story of Irish innovation.
Successful Irish entrepreneurs, corporate innovators, and global leaders share their journey on the path to success within Ireland and abroad.
In each episode, we will also hear from Irish startup founders around the world and the companies they are building.
Harry Moseley has worked for some of the most respected financial services and consulting companies in the world. In our second episode, hear how Harry helped build ZOOM in his role as CIO.
In our first ever podcast episode, we talk to Daire Hickey about how he managed to draw some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley to Dublin for #WebSummit, before launching 150 Bond two years ago.
Irish people at home and abroad are doing huge things in the tech and business world — but how do you give the 70+ million-strong diaspora a glimpse at some of these achievements?
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